An innovative way to stop smoking!
Stopping smoking is an extremely difficult lifestyle choice to break from, largely due to the vast amount of withdrawal symptoms that you may experience. The LUXOpuncture Clinic is here to help you achieve your goal of stopping smoking by spending time to understand your situation in order to provide you with the best advice and treatment which helps you achieve your goal of stopping smoking.
By using an infrared beam to target pressure points throughout your body, the luxopuncture counteracts the withdrawal symptoms you may experience when quitting smoking. Symptoms diversify for everyone however cummon symptoms include food cravings and irritability. The luxopuncture treament corrects the imbalanced hormonal system affected by the absorption of nicotine by boosting the levels of dopamine and endorphin.
In order to help you reach your goal, the treatment process of five sessions is spread over a month, of which three are given on consecutive days at the very beginning. During each session, more than 30 pressure points are activated. A personal follow up phase of three months will minimise the risk of relapse.
Deciding that you want to stop smoking is a huge lifestyle choice that you will never regret! This is largely due to the vast amounts of health benefits such as:
reduced risk of lung and cardiovascular diseases
better respiratory function
increased self-esteem due to the feelings of accomplishment & self worth
less stressed du to the financial pressure affiliated with smoking
90.5% of people stop smoking within 3 to 5 sessions with luxopuncture
The Luxopuncture treatment works in three phases:
1. A personalised initial appointment
2. A weaning phase of 3 to 5 sessions where the objective is to considerably reduce:
cravings and withdrawal symptoms
Anxiety and irritability
3. A three month follow up phase